
Our team comprises of seasoned industry professionals, each with a passion for delivering sustainable energy solutions.

Fiaz Ahmad

Group Chairman

Yousuf M Khan

Group Co-Chairman

M. Shahid Karim


Zia Naeem Siddiqi

Project Director​

M. Asif Chughtai


Ali Ejaz

  Planning  Engineer

Muhammad Zubair

Project Engineer

Ayesha Abdul Majeed

Project Coordinator

Umair Malik Awan

Business Analyst

Attiq Ur Rehman

 Process & Environment Engineer

Muhammad Usman

Manager Accounts

Trident Power



This document sets out the guiding principles and values that Trident Power will apply in its dealings with regulators, employees, government agencies, third parties, suppliers, communities, and all other stakeholders. This document is available to all our stakeholders and any other legitimately interested parties.

The two key objectives of this policy are:

  • To convey a clear understanding to all stakeholders of what they should expect when conducting business with Trident Power
  • To define what Trident Power expects and how Trident Power will interact with all stakeholders to develop mutually beneficial and sustainable relationships with Trident Power
In summary, it is our intention to:
  • Work with third parties to achieve our stated goals on HSE Policy
  • Comply with the laws of Pakistan.
  • Support the principle of competition.
  • Act at all times in accordance with established delegated financial authorities including the principle of separation of duties.
  • Follow the nationally and globally accepted principles of human rights
  • Seek to do business with third parties whose policies are consistent with our own, and make them aware of our commitments and expectations and of their responsibilities in implementing them.
  • Create mutual advantage in our third-party relationships, supported by the transparency of cost and performance.
  • Protect Trident’s name and reputation by conducting our third-party business with integrity and professionalism, showing respect for human dignity and the rights of the individual.
  • We will not offer, solicit or accept bribes in any form. No personal gain will be sought by individuals involved in third-party dealings. Any incident of bribery, if discovered, obligates the employee to the Chief Executive Officer. We will expect similar standards of behaviour from Trident’s suppliers and contractors. Suppliers and contractors who breach, or attempt to breach, these business principles in their dealings with Trident Power are likely to be excluded from further consideration for the supply of goods or services to Trident Power.

Trident Power


Trident Power will:

To achieve these objectives, Trident Power shall:

  • Strengthen its business by making health, safety & environment (HSE) considerations an integral part of all business activities and comply with all laws & regulations;
  • Conduct its business in a manner that protects the health and safety of employees, contractors, and others involved in our operations and the community in which we operate;
  • Continuously improve environmental performance to achieve sustainable development:
  • Practice transparent public reporting of the HSE performance;
  • Ensure that HSE is a major responsibility of appropriately trained, empowered, accountable management;
  • Promote a culture of learning & practicing HSE: and
  • Recognize and reward good HSE performance.
  • Implement a system of Process Safety Risk Management and institutionalize behavioral safety practices.
  • Carry out pre-employment and periodic medical check-ups of its employees.
  • Identify and evaluate health risks related to its operations that may potentially affect its employees, contractors, the public, and the consumers.
  • Implement programs and appropriate protective measures to control such risks, including appropriate monitoring of potentially affected employees and getting consumer feedback.
  • Comply with all applicable environmental laws, and regulations and apply responsible standards where laws and regulations do not exist.
  • Conserve natural resources & energy by continuously improving processes and measuring performance.
  • Continuously increase recycling and minimize pollution and waste.

Trident Power


It is a cornerstone of Trident Power's policy to take all practical measures to provide a working environment free of all kinds of harassment and intimidation. Harassment is conduct, which is unwanted or offensive to the recipient and the company considers it strongly unacceptable behaviour principles. This includes persistent comments. actions, jokes, or, suggestions unwanted by the recipient leading to the creation of an intimidating environment.

  • Physical contact. sexual or otherwise
  • Request for sexual favors
  • Offensive language, gossip or slander, posters, graffiti, and obscene gestures
  • Pestering, spying, and stalking
  • Persistent undermining of confidence, competence, and self-esteem
  • Undignified treatment or exclusion of people with disabilities
  • Express/ implied threat of dismissal/loss of promotion on racial grounds or for refusal of sexual favors

Harassment occurring on grounds of sex, race, age, disability, political views, and religious views shall all fall under the scope of this policy. All employees will be expected to comply strictly with this policy and take appropriate measures to ensure that such conduct does not occur. Violations will be dealt with 'Zero Tolerance" through swift investigations leading to dismissal from service as maximum punishment. The past conduct of an individual shall not be a consideration for leniency. Trident Power will also not tolerate harassment of its employees by non-employees such as vendors or clients, equally, it is unacceptable for employees of the company to harass such non-employees. Anti-Harassment Policy, its implementation, and results shall be reviewed annually by Trident Power Board for continuous improvement.

Trident Power


Conflict of Interest Policy outlines the parameters of conflict of interest for employees and/or service providers of Trident Power. Employees of Trident Power are expected to adhere to the highest standards of personal and professional integrity and protect the interests of Trident Power. Personal gain shall not conflict with the duty to Trident Power.

An employee shall be considered to have a potential conflict of interest where he or she has a direct or indirect financial interest in a matter involving Trident Power and where the employee could influence or appear to be able to influence any decision on that matter by Trident Power. This includes close relatives working interest in other companies, acceptance of personal gifts beyond moderate courtesy, purchasing decisions for personal gain, and/or written or public statements in conflict with Trident Power.

Employees and related firms or suppliers are not precluded from selling goods, materials, or services to Trident Power provided this activity is consistent with generally accepted competitive commercial practices.

If a potential conflict exists because of an employee’s personal related interest in a matter, the employee shall advise his or her supervisor immediately.

Trident Power shall ensure that the necessary orientations are conducted to communicate the contents of this Policy.

Trident’s Chief Executive is responsible for final decisions on matters of potential or actual conflicts of interest.

The Policy, its implementation, and its results shall be periodically reviewed by Trident Power.

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